
Solar Energy Batteries- Fight Against Climate Change And Fossil Fuels


Solar Energy Batteries- Fight Against Climate Change And Fossil Fuels

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According to recent research, Asia is more vulnerable to climate change than other regions. Already, many parts of the continent face challenges such as a rise in temperatures, increased rainfall, and other devastating consequences of climate change. This situation has led to more investment in renewable energy with solar energy leading the way.

The extraction and burning of fossil fuels contribute heavily to emissions, which lead to climate change. The adoption of solar energy will help reduce reliance on fossil fuels to reverse the effects of global warming.

The Challenge of Solar Intermittency

However, variability remains a big hindrance in the adoption of solar energy and other renewables. Solar energy relies on sunlight and when it’s not adequate, property owners face a big challenge. They have to revert to the national grid even after installation of expensive solar energy systems.

If you’re a homeowner and you invest in a costly solar energy system, the last thing you want is to go back to paying for power. However, you can’t rely on solar throughout the year. Solar intermittency has been a major challenge and has discouraged some consumers and investors from embracing solar energy.

Solar Energy Batteries: The Future of Renewable Energy

The development of high capacity solar energy batteries promises to revolutionize the renewable energy industry. Governments across Asia and the rest of the world have invested heavily and adopted policies on solar energy and storage is one of the main areas of focus.

When three scientists received the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on lithium-ion batteries, this signified a major step for renewable energy. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) have been hailed as the future of renewable energy as they help overcome the biggest hindrance which is variability.

Billions of dollars are going into development and manufacturing of utility-scale batteries across the world. This storage technology helps overcome intermittency of renewable energy. Solar battery manufacturers borrow heavily from these large-scale technologies to produce consumer-grade batteries for home use.

The purpose of the mass-produced solar energy batteries remains the same as those of utility-scale storage facilities; to overcome variability. The clean energy technology in the automotive industry is also fueling the development of smaller and better batteries.

The automotive industry is a major user of fossil fuels, and as they embrace electric technology, they have invested heavily in making better batteries. The energy storage technology used in electric cars has helped refine solar energy batteries to make them safer, more efficient and to boost their capacity.

With high capacity Enovatek solar energy batteries, homeowners can now store electricity they don’t need for later use. These energy storage systems help property owners harness the full benefits of solar. A solar battery ensures you don’t export all the power generates by your PV arrays and buy power later at a higher price.

If you want to gain energy independence, it’s time to invest in a deep cycle solar energy battery. The revolutionary technology has given new life to the fight against fossil fuels. Homeowners who want to go off-grid can finally get their wish. By leveraging the extra stored electricity, you can have clean power throughout the year.

If more homeowners invest in the best energy storage for their solar systems, this reduces the demand for fossil fuel-powered electricity. Most of the countries in Asia depend on electricity powered by fossil fuels, yet they have abundant sunlight to enjoy clean energy throughout the year.

 If you want to get more out of your energy system, read more here and learn why there’s a lot of hype around solar energy storage systems.

Installing Solar Energy Batteries

Investing in solar for your home is a smart home improvement idea. This is a long-term investment which pays for itself in about 7 years. You not only enjoy cost-savings on electricity, but also get a boost in your home’s value. Solar energy also reduces your home’s carbon footprint, and you avoid disruptions caused by power outages.

To enjoy all these benefits, you can choose between lead acid and Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. It’s advisable to use a certified solar installer who guides you on the best battery to meet your home. Solar batteries come with a power rating and you should choose one based on the capacity of your solar panel system.

The idea is to choose an energy storage system that stores as much electricity as you need and which also supplies the same efficiently whenever you need power. Look for a battery that’s low maintenance and one with a warranty from the manufacturer and service guarantee from the contractor.

Final Thoughts

Solar technology faces unique challenges on top of these being intermittency. Luckily, property owners can now enjoy more reliable electricity by using high capacity Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. If you invest in these batteries, you give yourself more freedom from the national grid. You get the full range of benefits from your solar system, including cost-benefits, reduced carbon footprint and many others.

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