
Hiring Local Dog Walkers: The Why and How


Hiring Local Dog Walkers: The Why and How

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As a fur parent, you would want the best for your dog. However, there are instances that you could not give such a beloved family member the attention and care they need all day, especially when you have a hectic schedule taking care of your day job or running errands. Or, you could sometimes be out for a while on a holiday.

Now, it would be nerve-wracking to leave your dog locked up at home, let alone leave them to a stranger. This is where local dog walkers come in handy. You will have the peace of mind that your furry friend will be properly taken care of while you are away from each other.

Benefits of Hiring a Dog Walker

Nothing could give you a happier feeling than being greeted by your dog with a wagging tail and joyful barks as you come home. However, things could go the other way if you leave them at home alone for hours. Here are the top reasons why you should hire local dog walkers to keep your furball company while you are away.

Good Health and Behaviour

Have you already heard of the notion, “a tired dog is a good dog?” While your furry friend enjoys playing, walking, and other forms of activities, they are also burning excess energy that would otherwise cause them to resort to bad behaviours, like excessive barking and chewing, when they are left at home.

It is the dog walker’s job to ensure Fido gets the exercise that he needs every day.


Not only do regular walks keep your dog from being bored, but these routines also allow them to socialise with other dogs and people in your neighbourhood. This will train them to be comfortable in a variety of situations where there are other people around, making them less likely to show aggression.

Peace of Mind

As previously implied, dog walkers will give you contentment that there is someone looking after your dog while you are away. When you hire an agency specialising in dog walking North Brisbane has to offer, for example, you do not have to worry about staying late for work or setting out very early in the morning. This sense of security will also relieve you from the stress and guilt of thinking that your beloved pet is locked up alone for hours on end. You know that you are doing the best that you can for them to live a happy life.   

More Free Time

Dog walking is a huge responsibility. You need to wake up early in the morning or even skip important tasks just to do it. Now, what is once a necessity for your dog could become a burden on your part. Fortunately, a dog walker can relieve you of such pressure. You will have more time which you can spend on other important things in your life.   

How to Hire a Dog Walker

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While walking your dog offers a lot of priceless benefits, you still need to ensure that you are getting the best service when searching “hire dog walker near me”. Here is a quick guide to help you out.

1. Check their accreditation.

The dog walking agency that you hire should be accredited and licensed. This ensures that their walkers are properly trained and that they have insurance that protects all parties from financial liabilities should something untoward happen.

2. Seek recommendations.

Most likely, you have friends that have hired dog walking services. Ask them about their experience and whether they have an agency to recommend to you.

3. Arrange a “meet and greet”.

When you hire dog walker services, do not forget to arrange a meeting with them and your dog. This gives you the opportunity to know whether the walker will be a perfect fit. It also allows you to vet how professional and friendly the dog walker is.

4. Conduct a test walk.

Aside from assessing the walker during your meet-and-greet, you should also try to ask them if they can come along for a test walk. This will give you a better sense of whether or not they are the right companion for your dog.

5. Determine the price.

Before you finalise your decision, you should first know how much you will be paying for the service. In some situations, you might only need pet sitting, which is cheaper than dog walking. Depending on your requirements, dog sitting and walking can cost you between $20 and $90 per session.

Parting Thoughts

As you can see, there are many benefits of hiring local dog walkers. Apart from ensuring optimum health for your beloved furry friend, you will also be free from the feelings of worry and anxiety that would arise from the thought of having to leave them at home alone. That is why you should not hesitate to get such a service.

But again, you should make sure you are hiring the right individuals for the job. By keeping the above-mentioned tips in mind, you can start on the right foot in finding the best dog walker in your area.

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