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How To Choose The Right Water Tank Size And Shape


How To Choose The Right Water Tank Size And Shape

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Two plastic underground storage tanks placed below ground for harvesting a rainwater.

The water shortage at your home may be devastating, considering the many household chores that depend on it. If your well doesn’t produce enough water, you’d want to collect and store it in water tanks, enabling you to have a sufficient supply of water for domestic and agricultural purposes. 

But the tank selection process might be challenging, especially if you don’t exactly know what you’re after. Thus, this article can give your ideas on how to choose the right water tank size and shape. Read on!

  1. Consider Your Water Requirements

Knowing your daily water usage and requirements enables you to select the right size for your tank. Your water usage and needs depend on the size of your family. Generally, one person uses about 250 liters of water daily. So, if your family has six members, you may consume up to 1,500L daily. 

Aside from the human members, you’d also want to consider the number of animals you have on your farm and the size of land you have to irrigate. Having calculated your daily needs and extrapolated them to weekly or monthly requirements, you can start shopping from reliable stores, such as The Water Tank Factory and other stores that can stock superior quality tanks of all sizes.

  1. Know How Much Space You Have 

The larger the tank, the more space it’ll occupy. Therefore, determining your property’s available space is vital before purchasing a water tank. And if you have sufficient space, you may opt for any size and shape. But if you have unlimited space, for example, in a squeezed corner, you ought to be careful with your choice. In this case, you can go for rectangular or square tanks, which make the most out of limited spaces.

  1. Examine The Installation Point

The installation location is an important consideration when selecting the size and shape of your tank. It enables you to determine what tank will perfectly fit the designated area. Below are some options you may consider:

  • Underground water tanks

These are perfect if your compound is small and you want to save space. And you can have some outdoor fixtures installed above the in-ground tanks without compromising their structural integrity. 

Also, they’re safe from thugs and extreme climatic conditions. High temperatures or strong winds don’t impact them. You’ll also love the ever-cool water, even during summer when the weather is so hot. 

The size of your underground tank will depend on how much soil you can excavate. Thus, regions with shallow bedrocks might be difficult to dig past a few feet, meaning your tank will be much smaller. And for increased capacity, you’d want to go for tanks with a large diameter and short height.

  • Above ground water tanks

It is generally more cost-effective than the in-ground varieties and is easy to install. It is an excellent choice if you’re installing the tanks on the property you don’t own. It’s because it’ll be simple to uninstall if you need to move out. 

Depending on your building’s height, you’d want to install the tank just above the ground or a water tower. However, note that it can be affected by harsh weather conditions if the material used to build isn’t tough. If you live in particularly harsh areas, a cylindrical one may be the best option, as its streamlined shape helps reduce the impact of weather elements.

  1. Take Into Account The Rainfall Volume

To begin with, you must know the average annual rainfall amount in your area to determine your rainwater harvesting capacity. Rainy areas may demand smaller tanks compared to dryer areas. Also, the size of your roof determines the amount of water you’ll collect. And you may calculate the volume of the total expected annual collection by multiplying the yearly rainfall in mm by the surface area of your roof in square meters. So, in case of any excess, you can allow it to overflow into your drain field.

  1. Consider Local Regulations

Some local councils may require a particular minimum water tank capacity depending on the annual rainfall in your area. You may use this information to determine the size of the water tank you’ll purchase and stay compliant.

  1. Aesthetics

Aesthetics are just as important as functional requirements. So, choose a tank shape and size that blends well with your home’s exterior. Generally, round tanks are more popular than square ones. Also, you wouldn’t want a tank so big that it dwarfs your home or hides important exterior features.  


Selecting the right water tank size and shape shouldn’t be challenging as long as you know how to go about it. Ideally, you ought to choose a size that meets your water needs and a shape that fits your available space. Most importantly, purchase your tanks from reputable dealers with a track record of superior quality. Also, enlist professional help for the installation to ensure your tank lasts for decades.  

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