
Getting The Perfect Dog Bed for Your Puppy


Getting The Perfect Dog Bed for Your Puppy

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If you are buying a dog bed for the first time, then there is a lot of information that you probably don’t know and don’t know who to ask. Your pet friend is the newest newcomer to your home and you want to make them feel free and comfortable. Except, they have special needs more than a human and you will need to clean up after them more than a typical kiddo. Don’t worry, getting the perfect bed for your dog is not rocket science, you just need to know a few simply things to consider before blindly selecting one online. 

Price versus Function

Of course pricing is a major concern for new pet owners. You already took a heavy financial responsibility taking in a pet, you now wonder whether getting a dog bed is a saving or a liability given that the dog can practically sleep anywhere it wants. For seasoned pet owners, the fact is that a dog pet would lead to a greater saving since as puppies they are still learning their environment and will practically wreck anything they meet along the way. So buying a cheap but functional dog bed for your pup is the right way to go because after all, you’ll still need to replace the smaller dog bed for a bigger one once the puppy gets to a mature age.

Therefore, the best solution is to get a perfect balance between price and function. For function you need to consider sturdiness, shape and size, and for price, you basically need to get something you won’t mind buying several times throughout the course of the dog’s life.

High quality beds tend to be quite expensive, but there is always a middle ground, where you can find the right function and quality at a great price. So look for sturdiness over aesthetics and comfort over theme. Your dog probably sees a different color than you do and what matters most is whether the fabric is comfortable and the bed itself is of the right size and shape.

Other Main Factors to Consider

Price is not the only thing to consider when buying a dog bed. You should make sure the size is correct, if your dog is to be comfortable. Secondly, you should choose a material that the dog will feel comfortable in and one which be easy to clean and maintain. Puppies are a lot trickier than adult dogs because puppies are still learning their environment and will tend to bite into nearly everything. There are beddings that wont fray easily and which won’t tear up too quickly.

You should also consider where you’ll place the dog bed. Some dog beds go well inside kennels, whereas others would be fit for indoors. You might find yourself getting multiple beds depending on where your dog wants to stay. This is easy because your dog will already show you where it prefers to stay or sleep at any time of the day. It might prefer staying in your bedroom, but not sleep on your bed. Or you might want it to sleep out in the patio when the weather is right. Either way, all these factors are things you must consider to get your pup the right welcome home.

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