
Guide To Choosing The Perfect Men’s Wedding Bands


Guide To Choosing The Perfect Men’s Wedding Bands

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Choose the Lifestyle You Like

When choosing your wedding ring give it some careful thought because, after all, you’ll be wearing your wedding band every day, so it’s important to get it right.

If you work in construction, mechanics, welding, or any other hands-on job, you’ll want to look for metals that are easy to clean, resist scratches and bending, and provide flexible alternatives for emergency removal.

Many people believe that mens wedding bands are only available in gold or silver, but this isn’t true. There are numerous distinctive men’s wedding bands available. You’ve come to the perfect place if you’re trying to figure out which men’s wedding band to go with.

Select the Type of Wedding Band

  1. CLASSIC: This is your standard wedding band. There are no stones, engravings, or other decorations on it. This is one of the most popular alternatives for guys because it is timeless and traditional.

These rings are elegant and timeless. Not a lot of thought needs to go into picking up this ring, if you’re one that appreciates the simple things in life this ring type is for you.

  1. CARVED: This ring type is a contemporary take on a traditional aesthetic. These rings have a beveled pattern with etched edges rather than a smoother curved shape. Many men believe that a carved ring seems more masculine and charming than the traditional curved shape.
  1. DIAMOND: If you want something with some dazzle and flamboyance, wedding bands with diamonds are a popular choice. There are no set guidelines to follow. You can have different diamond designs, a row of diamonds, or a single diamond, or a single diamond, the options are endless.

The price will depend on how many diamonds are used; the more diamonds utilized in the ring, the more expensive it will be.

Apart from the ring types mentioned, there are other alternatives you can choose from that can fit your style and personality. A lot of men who enjoy wearing necklaces, rings, and other types of jewelry prefer to go the alternative route. Ring options are available in non-traditional metals such as cobalt chrome and titanium.

Medical-grade silicone can be used to make rings as well. These rings are ideal for active people because they fit snugly and won’t catch on clothing or other loose objects. You can even wear gloves without removing your ring.

Foodservice workers, firemen, law enforcement personnel, and a number of other business owners will benefit from them.

Select the Kind of Metal You Like

For your wedding band, you can choose from a variety of metals. Some people choose to match the metal of their ring to their skin tone i.e, warm, cool and neutral skin tones.

Lighter metals, such as platinum, white gold, and silver, look best on those with cool complexion tones. Warm metals, such as yellow gold and rose gold, look best on those with warm complexion tones.

If you have a neutral skin tone, either type of metal will look beautiful on you. The precious metal you select is ultimately a matter of personal taste. For your wedding band, here are some common precious metals to consider.

  1. PLATINUM: One of the most preferred metals for rings is platinum, which is odd given that it is one of the rarest materials on the planet. This white/silver metal is long-lasting, elegant, and allergy-free. It almost never creates a rash or other type of skin irritation.

Men’s platinum wedding bands combine strength and beauty and are heavier and last longer than white gold wedding bands. They have a lifespan of 30-40 years and are hypoallergenic. Gold is 30 times rarer than platinum. Because of its extreme durability, it’s an excellent choice for someone who works with their hands.

  1. PALLADIUM: Palladium belongs to the platinum family of metals and the two metals have a similar appearance and feel. Palladium is a delicate silver-white metal.

It is sometimes referred to as “the poor man’s platinum.” However, this only applies to palladium’s reduced price. Palladium is a weaker metal than platinum, yet it is still robust and long-lasting.

  1. WHITE GOLD: White gold is another traditional men’s wedding ring option. Though white gold is appealing, it will tarnish and lose its color over time. To restore its original beauty and safeguard your band, a white gold ring will require rhodium plating over time.

Since white gold often has nickel, it is not a hypoallergenic metal. It’s also less durable than yellow gold, lasting only 7 to 12 years on average. Because of its limited endurance, it may not be a good choice for someone who works with their hands.

  1. YELLOW GOLD: A ring made of yellow gold is considered timeless. It emits a mellow, pleasant glow that is detectable but not overpowering. These rings are frequently combined with another metal.
  • Pick The Right Kind of Width And Size

Men’s wedding bands come in a variety of widths, ranging from 4mm to 9mm, with 6mm being the most popular. If you’re not sure where to begin, this medium width is an excellent place to start until you figure out which way you want to go i.e less heavy, more subtle, less narrow, etc).

  • Fix The Finish You Prefer
  1. Polished: A polished finish is a ring with gloss and sheen that is a classic look for wedding bands. Rings can also be polished to a high shine for added radiance.
  1. Textured: Textured finishes give your ring more depth. Scratched rings, sandpaper finishes, and hammered rings are texture ring examples.
  1. Matte: There is very little shine on a matte ring. A matte finish is ideal for those who don’t want their ring to be too flashy.

Check Whether The Wedding Band Needs to Match Your Partner’s Band

While many couples talk about how they want their wedding bands to match such as stones that have a special significance, complementing finishes, etching on the inner bands, etc), there’s no rule that says that they have to be identical.

Wedding rings are very personal, so it’s only right that you follow your heart and choose something that you believe is an honest expression of your personal style.

Finish, customized stones, gemstones, metal, and engraving will all affect the price of the ring, so keep that in mind as you begin searching. Alternative metals like tungsten and tantalum are expected to be cheaper than precious metals like gold.


There are many options to choose from regarding the style and materials used. Hopefully, this served as a helpful guide as you begin your search for the ideal wedding band. When in doubt, trust your instincts!

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