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Student Motivation Blog: What Is Wrong With Education!


Student Motivation Blog: What Is Wrong With Education!

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Education is a tricky thing. It’s supposed to be a means of passing on knowledge, but sometimes it can feel more like a means of passing on information—information that you already know and want to impress people with. But education isn’t just about impressing people. It’s about learning yourself and passing that knowledge on to other people.

What is wrong with education? Why does it feel so wrong?

Once upon a time, enthusiasts devised a formal education system to suit the industrial revolution’s economic demands. Fast forward to today, and it appears that, given the present global economic situation, the current educational system is unable to match the needs of our hyper-connected society a culture that is constantly evolving.


Education is important. It is the only way to make sure that we can lead a better life. We need education to be able to find jobs, get married, and have families.

There are several reasons why education is not at its standard nowadays.


The problem with education today is that our schools are overcrowded. Many schools have more students than they can handle. This leads to children being forced into classrooms that are too small for them, which makes it hard for them to learn anything at all.

Lack of diversity in gifted education

There is also a lack of diversity in gifted education. Many schools don’t offer much or any extra help for students who show signs of being gifted or talented in some area of their life or study skills. If you have a child who shows signs of being gifted or talented in some area of your life or study skills then please speak up about it so others don’t miss out on opportunities because they aren’t aware of them.

It starts with the fact that most schools are designed around a system of competition between students, teachers, and administrators. It’s not just about getting the best grades; it’s about having the best grades in your class or school district—and if you’re in high school then having the highest GPA is important.

Lack of Uniformity

There is no uniformity in the educational system today. Different schools follow different syllabi and teaching methods that can make it difficult for students to perform well in their examinations without having any knowledge about what they are doing or how it all fits together.

Lack of Trained Faculty

Teachers are not trained well enough to keep pace with new technologies, curriculums and, teaching methods. This affects their ability to deliver quality education to students as there is always room for improvement in all aspects of teaching and learning.

Faulty Examination System

The examination system needs reform to ensure that it is fair, transparent, and standardized across all institutions across the country so that no student is left behind because of poor performance on the part of his/her teacher or institution’s standards.

Impact of educational faults on students

Following are the impacts of educational faults on students

Inability to learn effectively

Faulty teaching methods and poor teacher training can result in a student’s inability to learn effectively. This is because the student is not able to understand new concepts and take advantage of new skills which are taught in school. In addition, students who have been taught by teachers with faulty teaching methods may learn at a slower pace than their peers who have been taught by more effective teachers.

This may lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and, low levels of motivation. It can also lead to poor academic performance and lower grades in school.

Poor performance

The education system in our country has been affected by many factors like poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, and lack of knowledge among people. These factors have resulted in low standards of education which have led to poor performance in exams and also made students lose faith in themselves as well as their abilities to learn something new or solve complex problems.

Low grades

 Students face many problems during their education, but the biggest problem is their academic performance. Students do not have enough knowledge about their subject and they are not able to grasp it properly. This leads to low grades in studies and hence they get a bad reputation in front of society.

Lack of motivation

Sometimes, students who have a learning disability may struggle with the academic requirements at school. They might also have difficulty understanding concepts and information presented in class material. There are many reasons why students fail in school, but one of the most common reasons is that they lack motivation.

How do overcome educational faults?

More Efficient Learning

A lot of times when you take classes at a traditional school you may feel like you aren’t learning anything because there’s no interaction between you and your instructor unless he allows you to ask a question. While in an online class you can listen to those recorded lectures, tutorials, or other online services until it fits in your mind. For example: In an online class, if a teacher assigns an essay writing on any nursing-related topic, and the students don’t have enough knowledge about it he can seek help from any online Masters Dissertation Proposal Writing Service to complete his assignment. In this way, it can benefit the student in three ways,

  • He’ll get a good grade on his assignment.
  • His knowledge will get increased by reading an essay written by experts.
  • It will save his time as well if he’s working full-time.

Prioritize Your Task

Let your kid utilize an online calendar to note all of their regular activities. Fill in the remaining time slots with assignment due dates, test preparation chances, sports, music practice, and other extra-curricular activities. If the number of activities exceeds the given time slots, parents may assist children in recognizing when it is time to let go of something.

Also, if there’s something that your child isn’t good at then tell them how they can use technology wisely. For example, if your child is asked to write a dissertation proposal on any topic for practice, but he/she doesn’t have enough knowledge of it, or is not able to select a good topic, in such cases they can ask for help from any UK Dissertation Writers where professionals can assist them with the best writing services

Maintain an Optimistic Mindset

Life might be discouraging and unpleasant at times, but you constantly remind yourself that everything will work out in the end. Being upbeat might make you feel less stressed and more excited about the future. A negative mind or way of thinking will not lead to a happy existence. Life might be difficult at times, but there is always hope at the end of the road. Concentrate on the things that are essential to you and will help you reach your life goals.

Reward Yourself for Your Efforts

When you have accomplished something, whether big or small. You should treat yourself once in a while for your accomplishments. You won’t get stressed out studying and completing homework if you do it this way. This can also be an opportunity for you to unwind after all the tension you’ve experienced.

Make Wise Decisions When It Comes To Your Friendships

Having real friends at school is beneficial, particularly when you need to express concerns or other emotions. Choose friends that will not take you for granted and will only contact you when they have a need. Even if they don’t need anything from you, a loyal friend will be there for you. A true friendship may also persuade you to achieve well in school while simultaneously enjoying your social life.

Final thoughts

As a student or in life generally, you will face problems regularly. Implementing these tips in your life can assist you in being less worried about how to deal with situations. Always remember that problems are just temporary and they exist to assist you in becoming the finest version of yourself. So, no matter how difficult the issues or problems may be, keep in mind that you are not alone in your fight, and you will not be locked in that scenario forever.


BAW.2019. Common Issues Faced By Student. Online Available at: <> (Accessed: 16 June 2022).

Khoiriyah, A.J. and Husamah, H., 2018. Problem-based learning: Creative thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and learning outcome of seventh grade students. JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 4(2), pp.151-160

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