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Why Farmers Should Choose the Right Rabbit Fencing


Why Farmers Should Choose the Right Rabbit Fencing

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Rabbit fencing keeps rabbits away from a space like a garden. You must sink a fence at least partially below the ground to create barriers for rabbits. Rabbits can dig under fences if they feel motivated. A fine mesh fence can be used to manage rabbits. However, there are special fencing products for rabbits.

It is difficult to completely rabbit proof a garden. However, fencing can be a deterrent to all but the most stubborn rabbits. To keep rabbits away, a rabbit fence should have fine mesh. It should also be made of metal because rabbits can chew through plastic and wood. For larger animals, people can attach the fencing using existing fence posts. The bottom of the fence will hold the rabbit fence in place and stabilize it.

As more farmers invest in protecting their crops and grounds, rabbit proof fencing is growing in popularity. Many farmers see this as an opportunity to make improvements to their farms and land. This will be a long-term profit, especially during the coronavirus crisis.

Farmers should pay attention to where rabbit fencing will be installed. They also need to consider whether the solution is cruelty-free and effective.

We have put together this guide to help you choose the best rabbit-proof fencing.

How Important It Is To Choose the Best Rabbit Fencing

Rabbit Fencing is one of the most popular ways to protect all areas. However, it is important to consider a few things before installing fencing, especially rabbit fencing.

It is essential to make sure that fencing is properly installed so that animals and pests are not harmed. It can be simple to install fencing to protect land but it can also be cruel to animals. There are increasing concerns about theft, damage, and loss.

Rabbit proof fencing is usually installed by farmers to protect their crops. Because of the nature of rabbit proof fencing, it is more difficult than standard fencing. Deeply embedded fencing and posts are required to prevent them from reaching your crops.

Rabbit proof fencing is usually made of wire, rather than traditional wood fencing. The wire is used to prevent rabbits from getting through. It is strung between heavy posts and corners. It was originally made of galvanised mild steel but it is more common to use high-tensile steel. This is more durable.

Rabbit Proof Fencing Installation

Critterfence offers a variety of fencing services. This includes rabbit fencing. We can also source this fencing if needed. For those who want to install their own fencing, our high-capacity post knocker can be rented at our daily rate.

We can install wire fencing that is rabbit-proof as well as synthetic fencing made of wood and other materials.