
Is Building Decarbonization Essential? Read On to Know More


Is Building Decarbonization Essential? Read On to Know More

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Carbon emission is one of the biggest challenges in our fight against global warming and climate change. In recent times, building decarbonization has proven to be one of the most efficient methods of reducing the carbon footprint. If we can reduce our carbon footprint, we will move towards a future supported by sustainable growth.

A large part of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution is done in households and workspaces. Building decarbonization is the process of reducing this emission. In this blog, we will discuss some reasons why the decarbonization of buildings is essential.

Building Decarbonization: What Does It Achieve?

It is worth it for organizations to invest time and effort in building decarbonization because of the following reasons: 

Climate Change Mitigation: The burning of oil, gas and other non-renewable sources of energy in the buildings leads to air pollution and carbon emission. We can successfully mitigate climate change to a large degree by reducing our dependency on non-renewable sources. 

Utility Costs Reduction: Since fossil fuels and their derivates are finite, their cost is expected to rise in the upcoming decades. The cost of electricity is also projected to rise but not as much as that of oil and gas. By reducing the dependency of a building on oil and gas, you can also reduce the utility costs of the building. 

● Lower Operating Costs: Energy efficiency is tied to building decarbonization as smart grid-enabled programs, and electrification processes consume less energy than oil and gas burning. So, building decarbonization lower the operating costs not just by using a cheaper source of energy but also by using the power more efficiently. 

● Improved Quality of Air: Carbon footprint does not concern only the environment at a large scale. It also impacts the very air that people living in a building inhale. By reducing the carbon footprint, building decarbonization improves indoor air quality. 

The Process of Building Decarbonization

The following four components make the decarbonization of buildings work:

  • Electrification: The biggest component of building decarbonization is replacing fossil fuels-derived products such as kerosene, gasoline, and propane with electricity. The carbon footprint of the former products is way higher than the latter one.
  • Renewable Energy: Decarbonization can be said as successful only when the sources of electricity are renewable. If the electricity comes from burning coal, the building still emits a considerable amount of carbon. But electricity coming from solar or wind energy can drastically reduce the carbon footprint. 
  • Energy Efficiency: Using electricity more efficiently is another way to reduce carbon footprint. Adding wall insulation and using ENERGY STAR-certified appliances are some of the methods that can help you get the same results by using less energy. 
  • Managing Electricity Load: The use of electricity at different times of the day can reduce its impact on the energy grid of the building and consequently reduce carbon emissions. 

A Sustainable Future

Building decarbonization is one of the key steps individuals and organizations are taking toward building a sustainable future. Decarbonizing a building might take some time, but the results it produces are worth the investment.

If you or your organization are planning to build decarbonization, we suggest you consult a reputed electric brand. This can help you achieve building decarbonization with little effort and in a short period of time. On top of that, an organization with expertise in renewable energy can suggest you other ways to develop a sustainable and resilient future.