
5 Essential Call Center Metrics


5 Essential Call Center Metrics

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Managing a call center is a challenging job—how can you be sure that customers are receiving the best possible care and support?

Some large call centers might have hundreds of staff, making it impossible to listen in to so many calls. Instead, you can use some key call center metrics to help you measure the success of your call center. When call center outsourcing to the Philippines, for example, the service provider you’ll choose will use tools and software to analyze data especially for large volumes of calls.

What metrics are most important? Keep reading to find five important call center metrics that will give you a clear picture as to what’s working well within your business.

1. Time in Queue

One of the call center metrics to track regularly is the time in the queue. When customers call in, how long are they waiting before their call is answered?

If customers are waiting a long time, they’re likely going to get frustrated and annoyed. Not good for business. If call waiting times are high, it can be a sign that you need to hire more staff.

2. Call Abandonment Rate

This is measuring how many calls are ended before the customer is connected to a sales member. You’re likely to find that if the average time in the queue is long, it leads to high call abandonment rates.

3. Call Resolution

One of the most important call center metrics to track is call resolution. If a customer calls in with an issue, is it resolved on the first call?

Or, does it take several days and multiple phone calls to resolve? Ideally, you want to resolve issues right away.

You can track this data through a call center performance management tool—it’s one of the best ways to measure your success and see what needs to be improved.

4. Customer Satisfaction

Are your customers happy with the service and support they receive when calling your call center? All businesses should track their customer satisfaction rate, as higher customer satisfaction equals more repeat business and increased profits.

You can gather this data via a follow-up survey emailed to customers after the call ends.

5. Call Quality

What is the quality of your calls like? Are they being handled with care, respect, and professionalism?

If not, you might want to train your staff on call center professionalism, helping them learn how to handle difficult customers and make all customers feel valued. This will help improve your metrics.

Improve Your Business With These Call Center Metrics

With these call center metrics, you can improve your business by learning more about what’s working well—and what needs to be improved.

This can help you make positive changes, such as improving wait times and increasing your satisfaction rate. Ongoing staff training is a key part of this, as you need staff to be consistent and professional at all times.

Over time, you’ll see your results improve, which is sure to be a good thing for business!

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