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Boiler Shutdown – How to Deal With it?


Boiler Shutdown – How to Deal With it?

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If your boiler breaks down, it can be an uncomfortable and inconvenient situation, and dangerous, too. You will want to fix it as soon as possible, so you can continue with bathing and living in the comfort you were used to. However, boilers can be costly – fixing them, sometimes, can be even more inconvenient. Despite the expensive prices, it’s essential to have them fixed. 

When a boiler breaks, people’s first reaction is to panic – no one wants to live in a home with no central heating or access to hot water. Thus, you should be prepared for emergencies like this. Remain calm so you can think clearly and solve the problem soon. 

First, as soon as the boiler breaks down, make sure you contact the insurance company. They’ll be able to find an engineer for you to come and fix the broken boiler. Each case is different, that’s why we’ve covered in this article the steps you must take in case your boiler gets broken. 

What to do after your boiler breaks down?

If your boiler gets broken, you may still have the warranty. If not, you must get in touch with a temporary boiler company that offer top-line services for domestic hot water needs. 

You probably know that feeling when you enjoy a long and refreshing shower – but suddenly, you have no hot water. It’s a common problem that puts people in unpleasant situations. There can be many causes for this annoying occurrence. 

Reasons why building Hot water shut off:

  • Sediment in the water heater
  • Thermostat problems
  • Too small water heater
  • The water heater is too old
  • The lower element on your water heater is bad due to sediment buildup
  • Improper insulation
  • Your hot water usage is enormous
  • Components of the water heater are worn out 

Whether you enjoy a shower or a long hot bath, it’s essential to have hot water in your building. The lack of hot water can be caused by anything mentioned above. If you are in doubt, make sure you contact a professional plumbing company that can take a look at the water heater, or the other important components that are aimed to keep the hot water flowing. 

How to stay safe if your boiler is broken?

To keep your water heater working efficiently, you might want to consider doing some checks. A disobedient boiler inconveniently can put you in danger. If you suspect that there’s a gas leak, or you smell gas, it means that your boiler isn’t doing quite right. Please do take this seriously, as it’s important to fix your boiler when it gets broken. Not only it’s dangerous, but it can invalidate your insurance policy. 

A broken boiler can leave you without heat and hot water. This is especially inconvenient during winter when all you want to do after a long day is to take a hot shower and jump in bed. However, your boiler decided to not function anymore, and you wonder why? Here are some more signs of a broken boiler:

  • Noises (banging, tapping, or clanking
  • Yellow or orange pilot light
  • Too high pressure
  • Burning through a strangely high amount of gas

As mentioned before, there are some simple checks you could do, but make sure you never attempt to fix it yourself. Check if the boiler is plugged in – if it has no power, or if it has been lost recently, perhaps the boiler’s clock has reset and lost the settings. You should reset it and wait for about ten minutes to see if it still works. 

Who should you contact in case of a broken boiler?

Emergency boiler repair is the last thing you want right now. Trying to fix something will only add stress to the table. To help get back to normal, you must get a quote to repair your boiler now. If you smell gas on your property, it means that you must act as soon as possible. If the smell is too powerful, evacuate the place right away. Or at least, open all the windows and doors. Natural gas is inflammable and could cause an explosion. 

It’s important to recognize the symptoms of gas inhale:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Collapsing

Only a qualified heating engineer will be able to do the boiler repair. Never attempt to carry out emergency boiler repair yourself, unless you are qualified to do it. Emergency boiler engineers should get there and fix the problem as soon as possible. But this can depend on the severity of the problem. Gas leaks are one of the most dangerous boiler problems that can affect your health, too. The costs of the boiler repairs will depend on the severity of the problem, but it’s usually anywhere from $100 – $500. 

Engineers will have their own prices, so it’s a good idea to compare quotes. The engineer should come across many problems with the boiler repair, but this may add to the costs. However, most of the boiler repair companies will offer a fixed price.

How to deal with a broken boiler?

There’s literally nothing worse than finding your boiler broken. Most people will say that it’s safe to do some checks. Doing this might be efficient, but sometimes, it might not be as easy as it looks. For this reason, it’s important to do something to help reduce the risk of your boiler breaking down.

  • Have an annual boiler service
  • Protect pipes in winter
  • Keep an eye on the pressure gauge
  • Put the heating on for half-hour during summer – it will help maintain your system better
  • Clean your radiator

These simple steps can help reduce your boiler from breaking down, keeping it in a good condition. It means that you should find yourself spending less time doing checks or repair them constantly. If your boiler still gets broken, you should at least have a professional engineer to carry on the problem.

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