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HomeEducation & CareersCollege Freshman Mistakes You Should Not Be Making

College Freshman Mistakes You Should Not Be Making


Entering college can be quite an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. You are finally given the opportunity to move out of your home and have a space to call your own. You will also be surrounded by many like-minded individuals who are also going through the same experience with you, making room for bonding activities and new friendships being fostered. However, while you are being swarmed with all these new experiences, it is not uncommon for freshmen like you to make some mistakes. These mistakes can result in potential stress or cause some serious consequences in the future. You should also take note of the type of courses that you like; for instance, for fans of the arts and social sciences, be sure to consider taking a course with english school singapore at MDIS. Without further ado, here are a few things you should look out for in your freshman year in order to avoid being in such a situation:

1.   Skipping class

Skipping one class wouldn’t be that bad, would it? Wrong! Waking up early for class or having to turn up for the class after a hard night of partying can be quite the turn-off. However, when you choose to skip a class, you end up losing out on a lot. Yes, there might be notes online, but the act of not being physically in class means you lose out on the learning experience, the insights that the professors have, and joining in class discussions. Moreover, the act of skipping class could turn into a habit.

Therefore, it is good to pick classes that suit your body clock. Remember, even if you do not turn up for a class, you are still paying for it. What’s more, grades are given for attendance and participation as well.

2.   Poor time management

Procrastinating is not the way to go. Though participating in student parties or playing the latest game sounds very intriguing, having to study or complete your assignments last minute can take a toll on your overall well being. This results in unnecessary stress on your end. Solutions such as pulling an all-nighter is not a good idea. 

As such, it is good to prioritize what is important. Similarly, it is good to have a planner to help you take note of the important dates regarding submissions or tests. There are many applications available for you to download such as Office 365 or the already available calendar on your mobile device. With all these dates taken down, it can help you plan for the long run. Some schools have student resources centers available to help you plan your time wisely.

3.   Not having a support system

As introverted as you might be, it is never a good idea to isolate yourself from the rest. Even if you do not click with people at first, things will pick up after. Use your freshman year to interact with different people and pick up more interests and hobbies. Join different clubs and organizations to not only pick up skills but also to expand your network.

College is not an easy feat. As such it is important to make good friends. For example, if you are unable to turn up for class, it is good to have friends who will willingly share their notes with you. Have friends who are there to support you when times get tough and grow together on this journey called college.

It is also a good idea to have a good reputation and relationship with your professors. Don’t be afraid to ask your professors for consultations when in doubt. They would be more than happy to help you!

4.   Poor financial management

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When surrounded by new people and living in a whole new environment, it is easy to fall under the pressure of having to keep up with the rest. As such, many college freshmen tend to overspend their budgets. Not only that, many overuse their credit cards. This then leads to a huge debt when they are unable to repay it quickly due to the high-interest rates.

It is alright to say “no” as ending up in debt is not a good idea. A good way to save money would be to take on the college meal plan and find alternatives to have fun without spending much. Additionally, when applying for a credit card, it is good to know the risks. Take on cards that have low spending limits to help restrict your spending while developing a habit of saving. You could also apply for financial aid schemes to help pay off certain areas such as tuition fees.

Next, it is important to have emergency money. You never know when you might need some extra cash. As such, it is good to have some stashed away for a rainy day so that you would not have to suffer.

Lastly, pay close attention to debt. Many students are unaware of their debt situation and continue to take out student loans with no idea of how to pay them back. As such, it adds on to their overall debt. Instead, know what loans you have to pay and try to pay them off as fast as possible so that the interest rate will not rack the price up too much in the future.

5.   Study smart

As hard as you might be studying, it might not be the most effective, let alone be working. One should find the right method to help them study effectively. Suggestions would be to take down notes in class as the act of writing something down aids in memorization.

Don’t be intimidated by the idea of looking dumb while asking questions in class. There is no such thing as a dumb question. As such, never miss out on an opportunity to voice out your concerns or misunderstandings in class. If you are really shy, book consultations with your professors to clarify all your doubts.

6.   Take care of yourself

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Have enough sleep, don’t go partying away and neglecting your health. This also happens when you try to cram all your last-minute work by burning the midnight oil. Not a good idea! Not having enough sleep can result in you falling ill easily. The lack of sleep can also affect your concentration levels negatively.

Your mental health should also be taken into consideration. Many college students tend to be overwhelmed with the stress and anxiety of having to juggle many things such as finance, studies, and social interactions. Many of these students end up with depression, eating disorders, or other mental illnesses. If you feel like you are under a lot of stress or have a mental issue, please reach out to others around you or turn to your school counselor for help. This is where having a good social system comes in.


In the end, even if you have made these mistakes, it does not mean that your life is over. You can always learn from these mistakes and move on. If you feel like you really need help, turn to your friends or student advisors who are readily available to you on campus. Hear their suggestions and work on yourself. Never avoid the problem. Face it bravely and take it slowly. Life is all about making mistakes and learning from them anyway. Cheer up and do well! We wish you all the best in college.

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