
Handy Conversion Rate Optimization Tips You Must Know


Handy Conversion Rate Optimization Tips You Must Know

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COVID-19 has mostly moved the entire business of marketing and shopping engagements online, and many have had the benefits of the advantage. In addition to factors like product quality, delivery assurance, etc. If one plans to profit from their online businesses, they must have the known prerequisites to drive potential customers and let them engage with the site. 

For this reason, knowing what conversion rate is and how it works is essential.

What is Conversion Rate?

A conversion is simply a site goal fulfilled when a customer visits a site. There are two types: micro and macro-conversion, which engage the customer in purchasing a product.

The former includes smaller goals like email subscriptions, asking a question, or even adding products to the cart. Hence, a conversion rate simply is the output of the number of fulfilled goals divided by the site traffic

Optimizing the Conversion Rate

The only way to successfully optimize one’s conversion rate is to have a piece of strong knowledge regarding potential customer databases. If the data or statistics gathered are wrong, there will be nothing but wastage of the money and time invested in the process. 

For these reasons, trusted CRO services like konversiooni optimeerimine could be employed to increase website traffic along with the comparatively complex (and ultimately fruitful) activities like Hypothesis and A/B Testing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

If one has a shortage of funds at present, here are a few practical Conversion Rate Optimisation tips to follow:

No unwanted information

Nothing irritates any customer more than random advertisements or pop-ups when looking at different products to buy. The website’s main page should have the only necessary information, be concise, and use bolder headings/ hyperlinks to shift focus on critical information.

Too many separate links, forms, chat box pop-ups, or cookies will deter the site’s neatness and accessibility features. This is a primary on setting up the main page.

Alternative login options

Many customers choose not to be involved in the cumbersome process of opening different accounts for different sites and prefer logging in through their Facebook/Gmail/Instagram accounts all at once. 

In including this one-step-only login through a single click or, the site initialization is made easier. This thoughtful but straightforward process creates a fundamental principle of “trust” in the customer to continue as per the site requirements.

Trusted reviews and testimonials

This is yet another pertinent factor in increasing site traffic. However, the key here is to include short, quirky, and extremely positive reviews (along with a picture, if the product needs to be highlighted) on the main page. This acts as a first “human” approval to a product being bought/chosen by someone who has not touched it physically.

Overdoing this, i.e., including lengthy reviews, unedited photographs, and unmonitored color schemes, can adversely hamper the site traffic. 

HUNDRED⁹⁹can offer services in Digital Marketing and Digital Media Planning and look at social media engagement with its team of expert professionals. Visiting their site is encouraged to improve one’s profits.

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