Health & Fitness

How to Manage Your Mental Health in Unprecedented Times: Life in a Pandemic


How to Manage Your Mental Health in Unprecedented Times: Life in a Pandemic

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In March, we thought that the COVID-19 pandemic would only last for a few months. It’s now later October and there seems to be no end in sight. It’s been one big roller coaster, with many people drifting back and forth between being locked down, having some services back, and then those services rolled back.

It’s definitely hard to keep one’s mental health up during the pandemic, which is why we’re here to give you some tips.


It can be difficult to sleep well in these times, but most adults need 7 or more hours of sleep a night. Some people can get by less, but they are the exception. When going to bed, try to unwind better. Take a hot bath. Get off your phone and do something relaxing. By sleeping more, you can boost your mental health. Another way to sleep is to:

Practice Meditation and Mindfulness

When you are having troubles worrying about the future, practicing meditative breathing and learning to be in the present is ideal. Taking some deep breaths can clear your mind and allow you to get a better night’s sleep. While we should all be concerned about the future, it’s also important for you to stay focused at the moment and not worry about the past or future so much. Mindfulness has many health benefits and anyone of any age can do it.

Work Out and Eat Right

The pandemic has made it more difficult to stay fit. We want to eat good foods because we don’t want to know what tomorrow may bring. Many of us may drink more because of the pandemic, or not work out, be it because the gym is closed or because we don’t want to go.

It can be difficult to be mindful of what you eat, but it must be done. If possible, home workouts and fitness equipment should be used to get a good workout. It’s not just for preventing weight gain, either. It’s also for the fact that working out can improve your mental health overall. Make sure that you try to keep at it.

Look to Online Work

If you are struggling with finding work due to the pandemic, try remote work. There are many businesses and clients who need remote work. Even a gig-based job can be enough for you to improve your mental health and make some money in the process.

If you are unable to, then another idea is to:

Learn a New Skill

Spend your time learning a new skill. It can be a language, or even some hobby for fun like chess. Being in a pandemic, many of us can have more time on our hands, but quite often, we are focused on trying to maintain the same routine that we forget to learn new skills and try new things.

Make Plans for the Future

Even though it’s hard to predict where we will be a year from now, it’s always important for you to make plans for the future. If there are certain countries or attractions you want to visit, do not be afraid to start making plans. Plan a year from now and save up a little. Should it not happen, at least you’ve saved a little bit of money.

Use Social Media Sparingly

There’s nothing wrong with using social media to stay informed and to keep up with your friends. However, there’s so much misinformation going on about the pandemic, not to mention some heated conversations going on right now. Too much of it can make you depressed, stressed, or angry.

Besides using social media less, another strategy is to do a cleaning of your social media sites. Unfollow people who are spreading too much negativity, or just take a break. We aren’t saying to create a bubble, but if there are certain people who are draining, maybe not have them be so draining on you.

Get Diagnosed

It’s possible that this year, you may develop chronic depression, anxiety, or you may have another underlying mental health issue that can spring up because of everything that’s going on in this world. Because of this, it’s important that you seek help and get a diagnosis if possible.

If you do not feel comfortable going out and getting a diagnosis, there are some ways that you can do so online. One way is to visit this website:

Seek Help!

Speaking to a therapist or a counselor is valid in these times. We don’t know what the future will bring, and with the rise in online therapy, it’s easier than ever to get some help. There’s no shame in doing so, either. We all deserve someone to talk to in these trying times.

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